Most neighborhoods in Puerto Armuelles have a distinctive look and feel.
We have briefly described many of them below. To help you decide which to explore, we have also categorized them beach or non-beach neighborhoods.
Beach Neighborhoods
- San Vicente – Sleepy urban large lot, neighborhood. Cement housing, not Chiquita housing
- Carmen – very dense & urban. Next to and west of downtown, mostly duplexes, built by Chiquita for dock workers. Not popular with expats.
- Punta Nueva – Dense. Next to and east of downtown, a rundown and dicey neighborhood,
- Rio Mar – A suburban feel. Big neighborhood with both waterfront and commercial. Water front area is very dense with a warren like feel at times.
- Pez de Oro – Rural. Outside of town. A quiet & relaxed feel.
- Corazon de Jesus -Rural. About 5 minutes from Pez de Oro. Small beach neighborhood on a street grid system. Popular with expats
- Cucuy -Rural. About 5 minutes further out of town than Corazon de Jesus. Also a small beach neighborhood on a grid system.
- Coronado -Rural. About 5 minutes from Cucuy. A small beach neighborhood popular with Canadians in particular. Some of the newest, and most upscale ex-pat owned homes are here. Although, such homes are also increasing in Corazon de Jesus and Cucuy.
If you don’t need to live at or within 200 yards of the beach, you should check out these neighborhoods.
Not-At-the-Beach Neighborhoods
- Las Palmas – Suburban feel. Chiquita built for exclusive use of its executives. Large lots, quiet, can hear the ocean, lots on hill have ocean view. Unique neighborhood.
- Altos San Vicente -Suburban feel. Neighborhood in hills above San Vicente. Enjoys breezes and views.
- Returno – a poor Panamanian neighborhood
- San Jose – Urban feel. Dense neighborhood of single family homes. Almost no yards. Built by Chiquita. A nice neighborhood near Romero Grocery store.
- Los Angles -Suburban feel. Is further along the main road, going out of town, than San Jose. A solid neighborhood. Not built by Chiquita
- Agua Buenos and more – Rural. These neighborhoods are behind (and further from beach) from Los Angles. More rural, non-Chiquita built neighborhoods.
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